Site Name: Sundorne Recreation Ground, Sundorne Road
County: Shropshire
Nearest Place: Shrewsbury
Also Near: Uffington ?
OS Grid Ref: SJ 518 145 - Landranger: 126 -
Multimap Link
Height ASL: metres - CAA Limit: 60 metres
Location: Outskirts of Shrewsbury - 3 miles N.E. of town centre
Directions: North on A.49, turn West onto B.5062 for 1/2 a mile.
Parking: Next to pavillion.
Facilities: The Coracle (pub) 400 yards away. Toilets in the pavillion, but that is open only when there are football matches on. Normally, it is closed unless there is a special event, e.g. Kite Festival! Supermarkets near.
Accessibility: Sundays in the football season, not available before 12.30pm. Anytime during daytime. Even when there are football matches on there is space for kiteflying.
Flying Area: 45 acres and excellent for kiteflying.
Comments: The Shrewsbury Kite and Boomerang Festival is held every year on the last "full" weekend in June.
Local Clubs/Contacts: There is now no organised group, but local fliers kites-in-shrewsbury often fly there, especially at weekends -- unless they've gone to a festival elsewhere!