Also Near: Minstead (difficult to get from Minstead to Stoney Cross)
OS Grid Ref: SU 247 126 - Landranger: 195 -
Multimap Link
Height ASL: metres - CAA Limit: 60 metres
Location: North ofA31, near Minstead
Directions: If travelling from the east, take the last exit off the M27 sign-posted New Forest, do not continue to the end of the motorway.
Take a right turn at the roundabout towards Bramshaw, Brook and Fritham.
Take the second left after the Green Dragon. Continue past the golf course and through the wooded area taking the first turn on the left.
Continue straight on past the turn for Fritham and the turn for Linwood.
Parking: The flying site is the next to car park on the right.
Facilities: There are toilets just across the road.
Flying Area: The site is flat and firm, but beware of gorse bushes and brambles.
Comments: stones and concrete below surface make it difficult to use dog-stakes, ordinary strong metal stakes work fine.
Local Clubs/Contacts: Wessex KG / Tony Bates + Fractured Axel