Also Near: Wareham (3.5 miles) Corfe Castle (2 miles)
OS Grid Ref: SY 962 852 - Landranger: 195 -
Multimap Link
Height ASL: 10-20 metres - CAA Limit: 60 metres
Location: Just East of stoborough and North of Corfe Castle
Directions: A351 South through Wareham, half mile to Stoborough, turn left just after Texaco garage (on RHS) and Kings Arms pub (on LHS) into Nutcrack Lane.
Follow minor road for 2 miles East, then take right fork sign-posted "Corfe Castle 3 miles". One mile to go, South on single lane road.
Watch out for passing places & cattle grid at 0.9 miles. When you reach turn-off to Middlebere Farm, flying area is in front of you.
Parking: Wide grass verges on both sides of road.
Facilities: None on site, but if you are lucky, there will be a useful leaflet in a weatherproof dispenser, just by the gated footpath near where you parked.
Back to Stoborough for toilets, food, beer & petrol.
Accessibility: Right by the roadside, slightly uphill.
Flying Area: Unfenced heathland - quiet and beautiful, with views of Corfe Castle 2.3 miles SSW and Poole Harbour which is only 1 mile away to your North and East.
Comments: Take a quiet kite - this is a nature reserve after all!
Be prepared for an audience of 20 Exmoor ponies, who seemed very interested in the flying and only slightly alarmed by noisy groundwork.
Some of them will come right up to you, so mind they don't trample kite or lines.
Local Clubs/Contacts: Poole Kite Fliers / Richard Nourse