Site Name: Canford Park Arena Panoramic View:Click Here
County: Dorset Postcode: BH21 3AP
Nearest Place: Canford Magna
Also Near: Bearwood, Wimborne Minster, Poole
OS Grid Ref: SZ 040 975 - Landranger: 195 -
Multimap Link
Height ASL: metres - CAA Limit: 60 metres
Location: New event arena S.W. of the A341 between Wimborne and Bearwood
Directions: Brown signs on the A341 to "Canford Park Arena" - turn S.W. at traffic lights.
Parking: On site
Facilities: Portaloos in main arena area for major events. Brick building nearby which may also have toilets etc.
Accessibility: No problems - completely flat site with open access everywhere.
Flying Area: Whole site is enclosed by 3 metre steel mesh fence.
Room for several large flying arenas, and flat enough for some fine buggying.
There is a 3 metre high rounded, grassy earthen bank around the whole site (with breaks) - it should not cause any real turbulence.
Comments: This is a very new site - used for pop concerts, marching band competitions, craft fairs etc.
(Update by james) Tried to fly here 6th Jan 2005, and was told to clear off as it is private land. High fence and locked gates...... :-(