Also Near: Bredbury SKK, Denton Greater Manchester
OS Grid Ref: SJ 960 900 - Landranger: 109 -
Multimap Link
Height ASL: metres - CAA Limit: 60 metres
Location: Brabyns Park off Brabyns Brow Marple Cheshire Denton Greater Manchester and Bredbury Stockport, just past Marple Station behind childrens play ground.
Parking: free parking
Facilities: picnicking area toilets local pubs cafes shops
Flying Area: A huge expanse of open fields a few trees but good for kites and buggy's
Local Clubs/Contacts:
Nearest Retailer:
Report By: Lee Benn of Denton Tameside Mcr 21.07.03 - Email = labden(at)