Nearest Place: West Ilsley about 1 mile to North-West.
Also Near: Didcot 5 miles to North-East.
OS Grid Ref: SU 478 840 - Landranger: 174 -
Multimap Link
Height ASL: - CAA Limit:
Location: Junction of Ridgeway Long Distance Path and local road from A.34 to West Ilsley.
Directions: Off A34, about 5 miles North of M4 J13. Turning signposted "W Ilsley & Ridgeway".
Site is 1/2 mile West of A34.
Buses (Ridgeway Explorer) run, Sundays only during Summer, between Reading & Swindon.
Parking: Good, on site. Bury Down Car Park - area each side of road.
Facilities: NONE (not even a hedge to "go" behind). W. Ilsley nearest.
Accessibility: Good - park & fly.
Flying Area: Good high, windy, site. Most flying on Ridgeway Path. Use short lines there.
Beware barbed wire fences. Take wellies if wet - rough ground and long grass in some areas.
Comments: Farmer does not object to fields being used providing no crops are being grown, do ask him if he is working nearby. Landmark - Didcot power station visible 5 miles to the North-East.