Light Up The Sky + One Sky One World
Cliddesden Jollyup Field: 19-20 October 2019
Luckily the Gits came very well provisioned (we never know who might turn up in need of food & drink!
as our local friends were unable to say very much positive about the new regime at the Jolly Farmer.
This helped to validate our earlier decision to have our christmas Bash at The Fox in Ellisfield.

Friday Sunrise - Secret Rites and Incantations cause mushrooms to spawn at our command...

Do not underestimate the hypnotic powers of The Sausage Whisperer...

Hours later, and he is still held in its meaty trance - did not move a muscle till lunchtime...

There is nothing quite like a flaming brassiere to warm your chilly bits!

Friday night appears to have centred around tinned soups, rice pudding with sundry fruity toppings, and copious amounts of gin.

The tins of peas came into play on Saturday night, when we found ourselves with a "meat mountain"...

Saturday - The weather was better, so we managed to get a few kites in the air...

The knotty old delta serpent came down quite often as the wind faded, but the Trevor Delta stayed up all day!

Roy worked his usual magic with his barbecue chimney, and soon had everything sizzling!

He manfully ignored the antics of the more irresponsible Gits...

We were pretty sure we had cooked too much.... Later, we were quite certain of it!

Sunday - it stayed cold, damp, overcast and windless - so the Gits spent most of the day in the Gazebo,
swapping yarns and trying to finish all the remaining food items that were brought "just in case"!

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